Jump desktop icon
Jump desktop icon

jump desktop icon
  1. Jump desktop icon for mac#
  2. Jump desktop icon android#

  • You'll be prompted for Windows Credentials or Mac Credentials when you connect.
  • When you open up Jump Desktop on your Mac or iOS/Android device, you should now see a new, light blue icon for your computer with "Fluid" in the name.

    Jump desktop icon for mac#

    Make sure you're running Jump Desktop 6.0+ for Mac or Jump Desktop 7.0+ for iOS/Android.Make sure Jump Desktop Connect is Ready for Remote Access.In the Advanced section enabled Fluid Remote Desktop.Click the Settings icon on the top right hand corner.On the machine you want to connect to, open up the Jump Desktop Connect app.

    jump desktop icon

    To get started with Fluid make sure you're running Jump Desktop Connect 5.0 on the machine you're connecting to. Local user accounts for authentication: No need for additional passwords, Fluid will use the account on the local computer to authenticate.Logging into a machine after restart (i.e. Fast user switching: Login as one user and then switch to another account without disconnecting.We recommend selecting a single monitor for better performance. Multi-monitor support: Select individual monitors or just a single monitor.Clipboard Sharing: Copy/paste stuff from/to the local system.Adaptive Quality Control: Fluid will monitor your network connection and automatically adjust quality depending on the bandwidth available.End-to-end encryption: All communication between devices is fully encrypted (only the devices involved in the connection can decrypt the data).High Performance Desktop Sharing using a fraction of bandwidth of RDP/VNC.Currently Fluid supports the following features: It's a work in progress and we'll be adding features regularly and quickly. With Fluid you'll be able to manage your servers, work on your documents, watch movies and edit photos and even play games remotely. Fluid can share your screen at 60fps while using only 1/10th of the bandwidth when compared to traditional protocols like RDP and VNC.

    Jump desktop icon android#

    Starting with Jump Desktop 7.0 for iOS / Android and Jump Desktop 6.0 for Mac, we've introduced a new way to access your computer. We're calling it: Fluid Remote Desktop.įluid is our next generation remote desktop protocol designed for very high performance screen sharing.

    Jump desktop icon