Biker gang hide out
Biker gang hide out

biker gang hide out

Outlaw clubs are often prominent at charity events, such as toy runs. It has been said that these other groups are attracted by the mystique of the outlaw image while objecting to the suggestion that they are outlaws. There are also non-outlaw motorcycle clubs, such as women's motorcycle clubs, who adopt similar insignia, colors, organizational structure and trappings, such as leather outfits typical of outlaw clubs, and, in the case of men, beards, making it difficult for outsiders (especially police) to tell the difference between the two. The majority of members of outlaw motorcycle clubs have no serious criminal record, and express their outlaw status on a social level, and equating the word "outlaw" with disregard for the law of groups like the American Motorcyclist Association, not the laws of government.

biker gang hide out


Full members are often referred to as "full patch members" or "patchholders" and the step of attaining full membership can be referred to as "being patched".

biker gang hide out

A formal induction follows, in which the new member affirms his loyalty to the club and its members. Successful admission usually requires more than a simple majority, and some clubs may reject a prospect or a probate for a single dissenting vote. To become a full member, the prospect or probate must be voted on by the rest of the full club members. During this time, the prospect may wear the club name on the back of their vest, but not the full logo, though this practice may vary from club to club. hang-around, prospecting) ranging from the mandatory performance of menial labor tasks for full patch members to sophomoric pranks, and, in rare cases with some outlaw motorcycle clubs, acts of violence. In these clubs, some amount of hazing may occur during the early stages (i.e. Some clubs have a unique club patch (cut or top rocker) adorned with the term MC that are worn on the rider's vest, known as a kutte. Often, an individual must pass a vote of the membership and swear some level of allegiance to the club. The actual stages and membership process can and often do vary widely from club to club. Some "biker" clubs employ a process whereby members must pass several stages such as "friend of the club", "hang-around", and "prospect", on their way to becoming full-patch (see explanation of 'patching' below) members. Larger motorcycle clubs often acquire real estate for use as a clubhouse or private compound. The president of the mother chapter serves as the president of the entire MC, and sets club policy on a variety of issues. Localized groups of a single, large MC are called charters and the first chapter established for an MC is referred to as the mother charter. While organizations may vary, the typical internal organization of a motorcycle club consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, road captain, and sergeant-at-arms (sometimes known as enforcer). The Hells Angels MC New York City clubhouse, with many security cameras and floodlights on the front of the building

Biker gang hide out